Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2009: Year of the Missional "Reboot"?

Futurist Marian Salzman appeared on CNN this morning with some great insights into trends we can expect in 2009. One that caught my attention was the following:

It will be the year of the “reboot”. You know how when your computer just won’t respond to regular commands or nothing else seems to work, all you can do is reboot and start all over again? Well, Salzman observes that many of the segments of our society: education, economics, politics, etc. are at a point where none of the old programs seem to work and what is needed is a reboot, a totally new look at how we do things and what approach we will use for the future.

I thought the same could easily be said for the church. So much of what we have done in the past under the Christendom model just does not seem to work anymore. What’s needed is a missional reboot, a new look at how we do things and what approach we will use for the future. The direction that reboot will take is something we address in this blog all the time. The question is how stuck do some congregations need to get before they realize it is either reboot or crash?

Check the full CNN interview below, and if you want more on the practical task of "rebooting" a church for mission, check the excellent article from Alban Institute on "The Messy Work of Renewal." (Click here)

Embedded video from CNN Video

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